Guidelines for Project
Global Edge Cellular Is an Organization which has a platform to sell their Cellular
Broadcasting Services to Consumers. Various packages they sell including Combination
of Local/STD and International Call services with Internet Packages etc.
These Services are subscription-based hence they need to be monitored at all levels.
Broadcasting Services to Consumers. Various packages they sell including Combination
of Local/STD and International Call services with Internet Packages etc.
These Services are subscription-based hence they need to be monitored at all levels.
1. Agents in the GlobalEdge Cellular Call Centre
( Market and Sell packages to Consumers )
2. Admins ( Monitor uptime, manage packages, Consumers and Agents )
3. Business Owners ( Monitor revenue, Subscriptions, new markets )
Design Problem
GlobalEdge Cellular has an Online portal where Agents/Admins/Business Owners log in to do their respective tasks daily. We expected to design views for all three user types to help them accomplish their tasks daily.
Other Expectation
The output needs to be high fidelity wireframe. also include sketches assumptions made and references to background research that you may have done to come up with the mockups.
While the final proposed solution holds more weightage we would like to be keen to see the process you followed in arriving at the final design.
DATA COLLECTION: Interview 1 (Focus on existing solution)
Only 8 out of 15 employees of Global Edge Cellular were interested in responding to in-person interactive interviews. Below mentioned questions were asked in the interview:
1. Name, Age, Designation?
2. Job hours?
3. Your Favorite Website?
4. What do you like most about it?
5. How do you feel about GEC’s website? the one
you are currently working on ?
you are currently working on ?
6. How do you feel while working on a website?
7. What is the best and worst part of this website?
8. Where do you struggle most while working on this website?
9. Can you demonstrate your workflow? (Note will be taken by the interviewer)
10. How much time will it take for me to get familiar with the website?
11. How much will you rate this website according to the speed of workflow?
12. How do you get an error or alert message on this website?
13. Is there any feature of the website which can indicate any remaining task before closing the website?
14. Do your eyes feel stressed while working? if so, Why?
15. What improvements will you suggest to help your workflow?
DATA COLLECTION: Responses of 1st Interview

DATA COLLECTION: Interview 2 (Focus new solution)
Only 8 out of 15 employees of GlobalEdge Cellular were interested in giving
response to in-person interactive interviews.
response to in-person interactive interviews.
Below mentioned questions were asked in the interview:
1. Name and designation
2. What is the first thing you want to see when you open a website?
3. How much the aesthetics of the website is important?
4. What are your biggest pain points?
5. How much fast workflow in a website is important?
6. How much information or text each page of the website should contain?
7. Rate your experience with the current website.
DATA COLLECTION: Responses of 2nd Interview

1. Data collection (On existing solution).
2. Important Observations (Qualitative).
3. The home page was poorly designed.
4. All tabs (Breadcrumbs) were given in front and it seemed very easy to use and employees were quite fast while jumping over different tabs.
5. Users had to give a password for many tasks.
6. The user interface was colourful, but warm colours were energy-consuming.
7. The user clicks on the wrong tabs sometimes due to the fast pace of working.
8. Same font size throughout the page and styles were reducing the sense of hierarchy.
9. Most of the users didn’t get any confirmation when they uploaded their PDF invoice on the website and also can’t delete or update the attachment.
1. The new website should have a Menu bar or good Navigation.
2. The personalized, aesthetic and informative home page is preferable.
3. Easy navigation and quick response are preferable.
4. There should be quick action for redundant repetitive actions.
5. A Minimal(less cognitive load) webpage with distinct and simple elements is good for workflow.
6. A dashboard should highlight job-related data.




Login page for every user

Agent Dashboard where they can see all User summary by Date and location and can see Package details and Scorecard to do and track task

Admin dashboard where they can see all regional summaries by date and location see package details add new packages, and also check general assumptions which will help to create and update network utilization by subscribers for a full year.

Owner dashboard where they can see all overall summary by date and location and can see subscriber segmentation by service type and network utilization by subscribers of one year and also check meetings and all employee details.

Final design ready for agent dashboard where they can see all user summary by date and location and can see package details and scorecard to do and track task

The final design of the admin dashboard is where they can see all regional summaries by date and location see package details add new packages, also check general assumptions which will help to create and update network utilization by subscribers for a full year.

Final design prototype of owner dashboard where they can see overall summary by date and location and can see subscriber segmentation by service type and network utilization by subscribers of one year and also check meetings and all employees details.

Thank you